January 19, 2024

Everything you need to know about ratchet straps

Ratchet straps frequently asked questions are answered in this blog, questions such as: how old lashing straps can be, what does STF value mean, what daN lashing strap means and how can you distinguish quality lashing straps. Whether you are a professional truck driver or just looking for information on safe load securing, this blog is for you! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Is there an expiry date for straps?

According to the NEN-EN 12195-2 standard, no specific lifespan has been set for lashing straps. However, it is important to regularly inspect the lashing straps for wear, damage and deformation. If there are signs of wear or damage, the lashing straps should be replaced immediately.

Lashing systems

What is the STF value?

The STF value (Standard Tension Force) stands for the maximum tension force that is possible when lashing down. It is generated by the SHF (Standard Hand Force) of 50daN. The pre-tensioning force presses the load onto the loading surface and increases the frictional force between the load and the loading surface. The STF value of the straps is used in calculating the number of straps required to tie-down cargo. Read more about tie-down lashing in this blog.

What is daN webbing strap?

daN is an abbreviation of the force required to accelerate a mass of 1 kilogramme by 1 metre per second squared. It is a unit of measurement often used to indicate the strength of lashing straps. For example, a lashing strap with an STF value of 500 daN can withstand a force of 500 kilograms.

What are quality lashing straps?

There are many different types of lashing straps on the market, each with their own characteristics and applications. Here are some factors to consider when choosing lashing straps:

  • STF rating: Choose lashing straps with an STF rating suitable for the load you are transporting.
  • Material: Lashing straps are available in different materials, including polyester, polypropylene and nylon. Each material has its own characteristics and advantages.
  • Width: The width of the lashing strap determines its strength and the amount of tension it can withstand.
  • Length: Choose lashing straps that are long enough to safely secure the load.
  • Closure: Lashing straps are available with different types of closures, including ratchets, buckles and hooks. Choose the closure that best suits your application.
  • Manufacturer: most importantly: Choose a manufacturer that sells only certified straps. Check the certificate online. You can find our certificates if you search for 'Cargo Control Company' on DGUV and TÜV SUD websites.

Label Explanation

Tips for using lashing straps safely:

  1. Only use approved lashing straps: Make sure the lashing straps you use are approved and have a readable label. Without a label you should NOT use the straps. More about lashing labels you can find on our page about Label Explanation.
  2. Inspect lashing straps regularly: Check lashing straps for wear, damage and deformation. If there are any signs of wear or damage, the straps should be replaced immediately!
  3. Keep the lashing straps away from chemicals, UV radiation and fire: Lashing straps can be damaged by exposure to chemicals, UV radiation and fire. Store the lashing straps in a dry, cool place and keep them away from these substances.
  4. Use the right straps for the load: Choose straps with an STF rating suitable for the load you are transporting. Make sure the width, thickness and material of the lashing strap are suitable for the load.
  5. Secure the load: Make sure the load is securely secured before driving. Use the correct technique to secure the lashing straps and check that the load cannot shift.
  6. Check the tension on the lashing straps when you are on the road: Any vibrations or bumps can cause straps to lose tension.
  7. Use at least 2 lashing straps across the load: always be sure the load is properly secured.

We created a full explanation about how to properly use lashing straps. Find our lashing instructions here:

Lashing Instructions

Can lashing straps be printed?

Yes, it is possible to have lashing straps printed with a text or logo of your choice. It is possible to print the lashing straps with a company name, advertising messages or the truck registration number. This is a great way to draw attention to your company name or brand and give it extra visibility. Find out more about our customization service

The costs for printing lashing straps vary per length and per type of strap. Contact us for more information.

Tailor made straps

What is the difference between a lashing strap with standard and ergo ratchet?

An ergo-ratchet is a type of ratchet that has a longer handle than a standard ratchet. This provides more strength, safety and comfort when securing cargo. Because an ergo-ratchet requires a pulling movement to secure it, you can apply more pre-tension and therefore secure the load properly.


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